Dreaming Crafts
Journey Kit
Journey Kit
I am calling this piece Journey because the line represents your journey in life but in the end, we will rise to success. This kit I am sending both gold and bronze paint so you can still customize your wall art. This is a very simple, bold, expressive art piece. I plan to add this piece to the side of my nightstand so when I go to sleep or wake up on a hard day I will know it will get better.
Each kit includes everything you need to complete this whole kit. All the wood pieces are lasered cut and labeled. Paint, paintbrushes, and glue are also included in this kit. I create these kits so you can feel the accomplishment of creating something so beautiful and intricate but yet so easy and so much fun.
You can buy beautiful décor for your home, but this kit allows you to create a positive movement to release the stress, worries, or any hurt you carry. This wood wall kit is an all-age craft.
Please reach out if you have any questions. If you choose to purchase a completed wall art piece, we have that too.